Wae Rebo Traditional Village, Flores

Early Morning in the Village

Early Morning

Village Chief With His 93-Year-Old Mother & Son 

Village Elder

Greeting the Day

Dense Afternoon Fog

Morning Fog

Tana Toraja Region, South Sulawesi

Traditional Houses & Rice Fields

Traditional Houses & Rice Fields

The scene shows graves chiseled Into the cliff wall with bamboo statues representing family members in front. The small buildings are "houses without kitchens" where the deceased rest for weeks up to years on their journey to the afterlife. The bodies are eventually moved into the family graves in the wall. 

Close-up of the cliff wall. Some statues have their arms extended in welcome. Family members visit their relatives, who continue to play an important  role in their lives. 

Statues Representing Family Members

Statues Representing Family Members & Old Skulls

Burial Site in the Jungle

Homestay Grounds

Homestay Grounds

Early Morning View From Our Traditional Home Homestay

Tana Toraja Region: Funeral Ceremony

Family Procession

Other Regions of South Sulawesi

Rice Threshing, Ramming Ramming

Floating House, Lake Tempe


Brahma Vihara Arama, Bali's Largest Buddhist Temple

Alley in the northern, mountainous town of Munduk

Puri Saren Agung Palace, Ubud

Daily Offering

Outside Ubud

Puri Saren Agung Palace, Ubud